
Showing posts with the label heart specialist in indore

The Connection Between Stress And Heart Health by Cardiologist Indore Dr. Siddhant Jain

  Introduction: Stress has become a commonplace aspect of daily living in our fast-paced modern world. While occasional stress is a reasonable response to difficult circumstances, prolonged stress can negatively affect our health, especially the health of our hearts.  Cardiologist Indore  Dr. Siddhant Jain, highlights the vital link between stress and cardiovascular disease and stresses the significance of stress management for heart health. Understanding Stress and Its Impact on the Heart by Cardiologist Indore: Stress sets off the body’s “fight or flight” reaction, which results in the release of cortisol and adrenaline. These chemicals help the body respond to short-term dangers, but prolonged stress can have negative long-term effects on health. Prolonged stress is linked to a number of cardiovascular issues, including as hypertension, arrhythmias, and coronary artery disease, said prominent  Cardiologist Indore  Dr. Siddhant Jain. Hypertension: The Silent K...

Tips to find the Best Cardiologist in Indore| Dr. Siddhant Jain

  Why have the Best Cardiologist In Indore on your contact list? Having the  best cardiologist in Indor e   on your contact list can be helpful. Knowing the best doctor will be helpful in many ways, especially during emergencies (Can be for your family, friends, and neighbors). Here are a few tips and factors to get there – to find the best heart doctor. Reason for seeking a cardiologist: How did you feel when someone asked you to go to a cardiologist (heart specialist)? Generally, there are   many reasons  for people to seek cardiologist help. Reasons can be for heart surgery, general heart checkups, or someone who had a bad experience with one doctor and switched treatment to another cardiologist. Finding the right cardiologist is important. Are you worried to find the best cardiologist? Here are a few factors that you can consider when searching for the best cardiologist. How to make a list of heart doctors: Referrals: Searching for the cardiologist even befo...

Tips To Avoid Borderline Cholesterol | Dr Siddhant Jain

Mind Your LDL Levels! Even Borderline Cholesterol Can Trigger Health Problems If someone with borderline cholesterol doesn’t take appropriate action to lower their LDL level, there is a risk of their LDL level rising, resulting in high cholesterol. Here’s what you need to know about managing cholesterol levels. Cholesterol is a waxy substance that is made in the liver and is very important for our body. It is fat (also known as a lipid) that travels in the blood and to the cells in the body. According to a Harvard study, about 20% of the cholesterol in the bloodstream comes from the food consumed whereas the rest 80% is produced in the body. The cells require it to form cell membranes. About 25-30% of the lipids that form the membrane are cholesterol. Cell membranes from outside each cell. They protect and organize each cell, delimiting the cell from the environment around it. Cholesterol plays a major role in reducing membrane permeability. The two vital roles of cholesterol in cell m...

How to Take Care of Your Heart Health | Dr. Siddhant Jain - Cardiologist Indore

Cardiologist Indore - It is never too late to start changing your lifestyle towards a healthier heart .  प्रश्न – एक सामान्य आदमी अपने हृदय को किस प्रकार तंदरूस्त रख सकता है, उसके लिए कौन से प्रमुख नियम है ? उत्तर – (१) भोजन- जिसमें कार्बोहाईडे्रट कम हो, प्रोटीन की मात्रा अधिक हो, तेल की मात्रा कम हो। (२) व्यायाम – कम से कम आधा घंटे सप्ताह में पांच दिन चलना आवश्यक है। साथ ही लिफ्ट को उपयोग न करें और लम्बे समय की बैठक को टाले। (३) यदि धूम्रपान करते है तो तुरंत छोड़े। (४) यदि वजन बढ़ रहा है तो उसे नियंत्रित करें। (५) ब्लड प्रेशर एव शुगर यदि बढ़ रहा है तो नियंत्रित करें। प्रश्न – क्या हम फेट को मसल्स में परिवर्तित कर सकते है ? उत्तर – यह एक खतरनाक विचार है क्योंकि फेट्स व मसल्स दो अलग-अलग प्रकार के टिशुओं (उतकों) से बनते है। फेट अपनी जगह पर फेट ही है जो कि हानिकर है। वही मसल्स अपनी जगह मसल्स है फेट या वसा कभी भी मसल्स में परिवर्तित नहीं हो सकता। More information about cardiology tips click here  प्रश्न – यह सुनकर हैरत होती है कि एक स्वस्थ मनुष्य को हृदय का दौरा पड़ गया, यह कै...