
Lifestyle Changes to Keep the Heart Healthy – Best Cardiologist in MP

  As you know in today’s day and age heart disease is the leading cause of an increasing death rate not only for those above the age group of 50 but nowadays mostly heart diseases are increasing in the young age group. Consult the   Best Cardiologist in MP   who will suggest the necessary lifestyle changes which will help you to prevent many diseases. The heart is the most important part of the human body. It works continuously from when you are born till the time of the last breath when you die. Therefore, it is necessary to always give it special care and treatment for long and healthy life. The heart pumps oxygen to the cells and blood to all the organs of the body. The more you make the work of the heart easy the longer it can keep you healthy and happy. Lifestyle Changes to Keep the Heart Healthy – Best Cardiologist in MP Change is a must whether it is related to any kind of change in life. But changes in lifestyle especially for heart disease are one of the first st...

Know About The Best Heart Hospital In Indore - Dr. Siddhant Jain

Blood is pumped throughout the body by an organ called the heart. The circulatory system’s main organ is the heart. Your nerve system and brain control how your heart beats. Our body’s most sensitive organ is the heart. Your body has a problem if the heart is out of balance. Heart surgery refers to the process of treating the heart. To correct the heart condition, surgery is undertaken. Adults and children both have heart surgery. All across the world, heart surgery is performed. There are many hospitals for heart surgery but you should always refer to the   best heart hospital in Indore Every hospital has a department for heart surgery. The heart department is called the Cardiology Department. The operation is done by a heart surgeon. A cardiac surgeon is also referred to as a cardiologist. Patients from other cities come in search of the  best heart hospital in Indore  for getting operated by a heart specialist. There are more than 50 hospitals for heart surgery in Indo...

Tips for Quick Recovery After Heart Surgery – Indore Best Cardiologist

For Many People It’s Not Clear What to Do After Heart Surgery, Shall We Do This or Not Is a Major Confusion. We Have the   Indore Best Cardiologist  Mr. Siddhant Jain Who Will Explain About the Aftercare. After Undergoing Heart Surgery, You Will Get Post-Surgery Care Instructions. Along with That, Here Are a Few Tips That You Can Follow.Medicines – Take Your Pain Relief Medications as Prescribed by the Doctor. Activity – Walk Every Day. Try to Do Small Household Chores. Don’t Stand or Do Any Activity for More Than 15 Minutes at a Stretch. Diet – Healthy Foods Will Help to Heal Faster. Try to Have a Small Quantity Often If You Have a Poor Appetite. Rest and Sleep –   Indore Best Cardiologist  Says It Is Common to Have Sleep Trouble After Heart Surgery. Try to Sleep in Your Comfortable Position to Get Undisturbed Sleep. Take Your Pain Meds 30 Minutes Before Bed. Emotional Well Beings Play a Major Role Along with All the Above Factors. Keep Your Mind Happy. These Are Al...

हृदय रोगियों के लिए वरदान, उन्नत तावी (TAVI) तकनीक। – Dr. Siddhant Jain

हृदय रोगियों के लिए वरदान, उन्नत तावी (TAVI) तकनीक।  हमारे दिल में चार वाल्व होते है, जिसमे सबसे प्रमुख होता है, महाधमनी वाल्व (Aortic Valve) हृदय वाल्व रोग सबसे गंभीर है। जब हृदय का महाधमनी वाल्व संकरा हो जाता है। वाल्व पूरी तरह से नहीं खुलता है, जो आपके हृदय से मुख्य धमनी (महाधमनी) और आपके शरीर के बाकी हिस्सों में रक्त के प्रवाह को कम या अवरुद्ध करता है। इसे महाधमनी वाल्व स्टेनोसिस या महाधमनी स्टेनोसिस (Aortic Stenosis) कहा जाता है। अब तक ओपन हार्ट सर्जरी (open heart surgery ) के जरिए किया जाता था। इस ऑपेरशन मैं छाती पर चीरा लगाकर हार्ट को खोलकर खराब वाल्व की जगह दूसरा वॉल्व लगया जाता था। ये कफी गंभीर और जटिल सर्जरी होती है इसमें काफ़ी दिन हॉस्पिटल मैं भर्ती रहना होता है। इस ऑपरेशन से रिकवरी मैं 30 से 45 दिन लगते हैं। इस ऑपरेशन में जोखिम भी काफी होता है। ज्यादातर एरोटिक वाल्व की सिकुड़न बढ़ती उम्र में ही पाई जाती है। कुछ मामलों (cases) में, यह जन्म के समय या कम उम्र में पाया जाता है। क्यूंकि ये ऑपेरशन अधिकतर ओल्ड ऐज (Old Age) में होता है एवं इस उम्र में किडनी, फेफड़े (lungs) आदि ...
  3D Mapping Arrhythmia Ablation Workshop Successfully Concluded at Shalby Hospital, Indore Adding another feather in the prestigious cap, cardiologists at Shalby Hospital , Indore did the state's first high definition 3D Mapping arrhythmia workshop. 3D mapping is a highly specialized form of treatment for arrhythmia or disorders of a heartbeat. A team of best cardiologists in Indore led by   Dr. Siddhant Jain  & Dr. Javed Parvez  performed these procedures on six such patients. Dr. Siddhant Jain, Director of SICS informed the press that these patients were suffering from life-threatening diseases of heartbeat-like ventricular tachycardia, WPW Syndrome & PSVT. 3D Mapping is a non-surgical procedure where catheters are introduced into the heart to produce 3D images of the heart’s currents & the exact origin of the abnormal beat can be found out & treatment with radiofrequency ablation can then permanently cure these disorders. There is no need for...

Indore Best Cardiologist On Heart Diseases | Dr Siddhant Jain

  Information About Heart Disease Including Causes, Symptoms, Prevention, and Treatment By Dr. Siddhant Jain Are you someone who wants to know more about heart disease? Do you want to understand what can cause heart disease, what are all the symptoms, how to prevent and treat heart diseases? You are at the right place. In the end, you will get a clear idea of the causes, symptoms, prevention, and treatment of heart diseases. All these are from the expert in the same field,  Dr. Siddhant Jain  who is a famous   heart doctor in Indore . Dr. Siddhant Jain What Is the Coronary Artery? Heart muscles are primarily responsible to pump blood to all parts of the body. Blood passes through the artery which carries oxygen and nutrients, coronary arteries deliver oxygenated blood to the heart muscle. What Causes Heart Disease ? Based on the type of disease, the cause of heart diseases vary. Let’s look into a few heart diseases and their major causes. Coronary Artery Disease This...

Tips to find the Best Cardiologist in Indore| Dr. Siddhant Jain

  Why have the Best Cardiologist In Indore on your contact list? Having the  best cardiologist in Indor e   on your contact list can be helpful. Knowing the best doctor will be helpful in many ways, especially during emergencies (Can be for your family, friends, and neighbors). Here are a few tips and factors to get there – to find the best heart doctor. Reason for seeking a cardiologist: How did you feel when someone asked you to go to a cardiologist (heart specialist)? Generally, there are   many reasons  for people to seek cardiologist help. Reasons can be for heart surgery, general heart checkups, or someone who had a bad experience with one doctor and switched treatment to another cardiologist. Finding the right cardiologist is important. Are you worried to find the best cardiologist? Here are a few factors that you can consider when searching for the best cardiologist. How to make a list of heart doctors: Referrals: Searching for the cardiologist even befo...