
How Sleep Affects Heart Diseases - Cardiologist in Vijay Nagar Indore

  Dr. Siddhant Jain, Director, Cardiac Sciences, Chief Interventional Cardiologist & one of the  T op cardiologist in Indore , Shalby Hospitals. The human body is constantly working. We go through the motions of things throughout the day. It is while we sleep is when our body replenishes… Dr. Siddhant Jain, Director, Cardiac Sciences & Chief Interventional Cardiologist, Shalby Hospitals Indore The human body is constantly working. We go through the motions of things throughout the day. So, while we sleep is when our body replenishes itself. Sleep is the time when the body is able to repair and recover from all the work we do and everything our body sustains during our regular working hours.  As per the  Top Cardiologist in Indore  sleep is essential for all elements of physical and mental health. The better one sleeps, the more rest the body gets to achieve its goals of rejuvenation. Sleep helps the body to build strong immunity and fight off diseases. I...

Tips to Keep Heart Healthy During Festive - Heart Specialist near Me

  The best  cardiologist doctor  says that a festival is the best time when you will enjoy all the festivities without worrying about anything. When the festivals will come, we all always feel excited and joyful and we don’t take care of our health and fully indulge ourselves in the celebrations. On the occasion of festivities, every corner of the street is filled up with sweets and snacks shops and family members also cook together a variety of delicious sweets and snacks. It is the time when we forget about a healthy diet and healthy eating practices which may sometime leads to serious issues or give serious diseases like heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, and more. Tips to keep the Heart Healthy during Festive – Cardiologist Doctor Fasting: –  In India there is a tradition to fast on every occasion, additionally it is a good practice to keep the heart healthy because during the festive season strict fasting can help you to stay away fr...

Types of Arrhythmia - Heart Doctor near Me

  What is Arrhythmia? An irregular heartbeat is known as an arrhythmia. In this condition, the heart beats irregularly as compared to its normal rhythm as per the view of a  cardiac surgeon doctor in Indore . Arrhythmia is a condition where the electrical impulses of the heart beat too quickly or too slowly.  As a result, the heart is unable to pump enough blood, and when the heart does not pump enough blood, diseases like arrhythmia can develop. Additionally, the liver, lungs, brain, and other internal organs can also be harmed. Therefore, it is always necessary to go for regular checkups of the heart every 4 to 6 months with the  cardiac surgeon doctor in Indore . Arrhythmia is many a time an emergency and it can be harmful too. If you feel that something is going wrong with the rhythms and speed of beating the heart get in touch immediately with the  cardiac surgeon doctor in Indore  who can help you in finding what is happening and what is not happening...

Lifestyle Changes to Keep the Heart Healthy – Best Cardiologist in MP

  As you know in today’s day and age heart disease is the leading cause of an increasing death rate not only for those above the age group of 50 but nowadays mostly heart diseases are increasing in the young age group. Consult the   Best Cardiologist in MP   who will suggest the necessary lifestyle changes which will help you to prevent many diseases. The heart is the most important part of the human body. It works continuously from when you are born till the time of the last breath when you die. Therefore, it is necessary to always give it special care and treatment for long and healthy life. The heart pumps oxygen to the cells and blood to all the organs of the body. The more you make the work of the heart easy the longer it can keep you healthy and happy. Lifestyle Changes to Keep the Heart Healthy – Best Cardiologist in MP Change is a must whether it is related to any kind of change in life. But changes in lifestyle especially for heart disease are one of the first st...

Know About The Best Heart Hospital In Indore - Dr. Siddhant Jain

Blood is pumped throughout the body by an organ called the heart. The circulatory system’s main organ is the heart. Your nerve system and brain control how your heart beats. Our body’s most sensitive organ is the heart. Your body has a problem if the heart is out of balance. Heart surgery refers to the process of treating the heart. To correct the heart condition, surgery is undertaken. Adults and children both have heart surgery. All across the world, heart surgery is performed. There are many hospitals for heart surgery but you should always refer to the   best heart hospital in Indore Every hospital has a department for heart surgery. The heart department is called the Cardiology Department. The operation is done by a heart surgeon. A cardiac surgeon is also referred to as a cardiologist. Patients from other cities come in search of the  best heart hospital in Indore  for getting operated by a heart specialist. There are more than 50 hospitals for heart surgery in Indo...

Tips for Quick Recovery After Heart Surgery – Indore Best Cardiologist

For Many People It’s Not Clear What to Do After Heart Surgery, Shall We Do This or Not Is a Major Confusion. We Have the   Indore Best Cardiologist  Mr. Siddhant Jain Who Will Explain About the Aftercare. After Undergoing Heart Surgery, You Will Get Post-Surgery Care Instructions. Along with That, Here Are a Few Tips That You Can Follow.Medicines – Take Your Pain Relief Medications as Prescribed by the Doctor. Activity – Walk Every Day. Try to Do Small Household Chores. Don’t Stand or Do Any Activity for More Than 15 Minutes at a Stretch. Diet – Healthy Foods Will Help to Heal Faster. Try to Have a Small Quantity Often If You Have a Poor Appetite. Rest and Sleep –   Indore Best Cardiologist  Says It Is Common to Have Sleep Trouble After Heart Surgery. Try to Sleep in Your Comfortable Position to Get Undisturbed Sleep. Take Your Pain Meds 30 Minutes Before Bed. Emotional Well Beings Play a Major Role Along with All the Above Factors. Keep Your Mind Happy. These Are Al...

हृदय रोगियों के लिए वरदान, उन्नत तावी (TAVI) तकनीक। – Dr. Siddhant Jain

हृदय रोगियों के लिए वरदान, उन्नत तावी (TAVI) तकनीक।  हमारे दिल में चार वाल्व होते है, जिसमे सबसे प्रमुख होता है, महाधमनी वाल्व (Aortic Valve) हृदय वाल्व रोग सबसे गंभीर है। जब हृदय का महाधमनी वाल्व संकरा हो जाता है। वाल्व पूरी तरह से नहीं खुलता है, जो आपके हृदय से मुख्य धमनी (महाधमनी) और आपके शरीर के बाकी हिस्सों में रक्त के प्रवाह को कम या अवरुद्ध करता है। इसे महाधमनी वाल्व स्टेनोसिस या महाधमनी स्टेनोसिस (Aortic Stenosis) कहा जाता है। अब तक ओपन हार्ट सर्जरी (open heart surgery ) के जरिए किया जाता था। इस ऑपेरशन मैं छाती पर चीरा लगाकर हार्ट को खोलकर खराब वाल्व की जगह दूसरा वॉल्व लगया जाता था। ये कफी गंभीर और जटिल सर्जरी होती है इसमें काफ़ी दिन हॉस्पिटल मैं भर्ती रहना होता है। इस ऑपरेशन से रिकवरी मैं 30 से 45 दिन लगते हैं। इस ऑपरेशन में जोखिम भी काफी होता है। ज्यादातर एरोटिक वाल्व की सिकुड़न बढ़ती उम्र में ही पाई जाती है। कुछ मामलों (cases) में, यह जन्म के समय या कम उम्र में पाया जाता है। क्यूंकि ये ऑपेरशन अधिकतर ओल्ड ऐज (Old Age) में होता है एवं इस उम्र में किडनी, फेफड़े (lungs) आदि ...