How Sleep Affects Heart Diseases - Cardiologist in Vijay Nagar Indore

Dr. Siddhant Jain, Director, Cardiac Sciences, Chief Interventional Cardiologist & one of the T op cardiologist in Indore , Shalby Hospitals. The human body is constantly working. We go through the motions of things throughout the day. It is while we sleep is when our body replenishes… Dr. Siddhant Jain, Director, Cardiac Sciences & Chief Interventional Cardiologist, Shalby Hospitals Indore The human body is constantly working. We go through the motions of things throughout the day. So, while we sleep is when our body replenishes itself. Sleep is the time when the body is able to repair and recover from all the work we do and everything our body sustains during our regular working hours. As per the Top Cardiologist in Indore sleep is essential for all elements of physical and mental health. The better one sleeps, the more rest the body gets to achieve its goals of rejuvenation. Sleep helps the body to build strong immunity and fight off diseases. I...