
How to Improve Heart health - Heart Specialist Indore

  Sudden Heart Attack At A Young Age All heart activity abruptly and abruptly ends in sudden cardiac death. Blood flow and breathing stop instantly. The person passes away and goes unconscious in a matter of seconds. Sudden cardiac arrest and sudden cardiac death are not the same (SCA). SCA is the sudden cessation of a heartbeat because of an unbalanced heartbeat. With quick access to quality medical care, survival is possible. In young, seemingly healthy adults under 35, sudden cardiac death is uncommon. Males experience a  sudden heart attack in young age  more frequently than females do. Undiagnosed heart conditions, such as genetic heart disease, are sometimes to blame for sudden death in adolescents and young adults. A young person with an undiagnosed heart condition may pass away suddenly while engaging in physical activity, such as playing competitive sports. But occasionally sudden cardiac death can happen in the absence of effort. Most student-athletes compete ea...

How to Improve Heart health - Heart Specialist Indore

The leading cause of death in the world is heart disease, which can mostly be avoided by altering your lifestyle and reducing risk factors as per the   cardiologist . Here are some methods to improve heart health. All of the tissues in your body receive oxygen and nutrients through the pump action of the heart. A healthy existence is based on keeping it in excellent condition. You may keep your heart running by implementing these ideas in your daily life. Tips to Improve Heart Health – Cardiologist Make sure you exercise regularly. You can choose whether you want to work out moderately or vigorously. The best  cardiologist   advises engaging in 75 minutes of intense exercise or 150 minutes of aerobic activity at moderate intensity each week. Select heart-healthy fats. By reducing inflammation in your body, unsaturated fats can be heart-healthy. Heart disease can be brought on by inflammation. Vegetable oil, low-fat mayonnaise, and oil-based salad dressings are e...

What Is High Cholesterol - Cardiologist in Indore

  What is Cholesterol? The body benefits from cholesterol in various ways. It is a component of the membranes in the cells. It also aids the production of hormones, bile, and vitamin D in the body. Cholesterol is essential. But having too much of it in the blood increases the risk of developing heart disease. Learn your cholesterol numbers, and discuss their significance with the  best heart specialist in Indore . Cholesterol is a waxy substance. It isn’t necessarily “bad.” It is necessary for your body to produce hormones, vitamins, and new cells. But having too much cholesterol can be harmful. There are two sources of cholesterol. The human body produces all the necessary cholesterol in the liver. The remaining cholesterol in the body is obtained from animal-based diets. For instance, dairy products, pork, and poultry all include dietary cholesterol. They contain a lot of saturated and trans fats. The liver produces more cholesterol as a result of these fats than it normally...

Best cardiologist in Vijay nagar Indore - Dr. Shiddhat Jain

How Depression Affects the Heart  It’s simple to reach for your go-to comfort food or skip a workout when you’re feeling bad. But the best   heart specialist Indore  suggests   even when you’re not feeling well, it’s still important to think about your heart health. People are less likely to make good lifestyle decisions when they are stressed, anxious, or depressed because they may feel overwhelmed. They might smoke more, and engage in less physical activity. Too little or too much sleep, excessive alcohol consumption, and non-compliance with medication instructions. These unhealthy habits can eventually raise your risk of developing heart disease. Trauma, sadness, anxiety, and stress can produce changes that can have an impact on your health, and not just because you could adopt unhealthy habits. But According to the best  heart specialist Indore , physical physiology is impacted by mental wellness. Over 7% of Americans over the age of 18 have been found to ha...