Facts Female Heart Disease | Heart Disease Statistics | Cardiologist Indore - Dr. Siddhant Jain

 Facts Female Heart Disease  -  Best Cardiologist Indore

It can not be more emphasized that in today’s stressful world, it has become crucial that each one of us takes some constructive steps to save the heart of our loved ones before it is too late, especially since prevention is easy and can substantially reduce cardiac risk.

I will utilize this opportunity to address certain myths associated with heart diseases.  “It is a myth that cardiovascular disease mostly affects males. In fact, heart disease is the reason for 1 in 3 female deaths each year.

 It’s my urge to all Indian females that in their daily rush when they are being ideal wives and mothers, please take at least a moment for yourself and listen to your own heart. After all, the health of the entire family depends on you.

 It is important that you should be healthy enough so that you can extend your care to your family members.”  “In fact not only adults, in today’s world, our children are also at increased risk of heart disease. So there is no age or gender bar to develop cardiovascular disease.

Heart Disease Statistics Report in India  -  Cardiologist Indore 

The Indian Heart Watch study, spanning 11 cities as well as mid-sized towns and covering 6,000 men and women, was the first to offer insights on risk factors for heart diseases in India. 

According to the study report, around 79% of men and 83% of women (who participated in the study) were physically inactive, while 51% men and 48% women had high-fat diets.

About 60% men and 57% women had a low intake of fruit and vegetables, while 12% men and 0.5% women smoked. Around 41% of men and 45% of women were overweight or obese while high blood pressure was reported in 33% men and 30% women, and high cholesterol was found in one-quarter of all men and women. Diabetes was also reported in 34% men and 37% women. After the elaborate discussion on the prevalence of various risk factors in India,


Do’s Don’ts

  • Eat a healthy, well balanced diet, rich in whole grains, vegetables and fruits.

  • Do not consume fried foods or foods rich in saturated fats (e.g. cakes, cookies, red meat, egg yolk etc.) or high-salt foods (e.g. papads, pickle, chutneys etc.)

  • Keep your body weight, blood pressure, diabetes and blood cholesterol under control.

  • Visit your doctor at regular intervals.

  • Do not smoke or consume excess alcohol.

  • Walk or exercise for at least 30 minutes, for a minimum of 5 days in a week, with your doctor’s advice

  • Do not get emotionally upset or stressed (physically or mentally).

  • Take the medicines prescribed for high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol or diabetes as per your doctor’s advice.

  • Do not take any medicines without consulting your doctor.

 For more detail, visit our website Cardiologist Indore or click here: - www.cardiologistindore.com


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