Heart Pacemaker: Heart Battery, Purpose, Process and Expense | Cardiologist Indore - Dr. Siddhant Jain

What is the Pacemaker of heart ? Cardiologist Indore

Pacemaker plays an important role in beating the heart, like we have a cell in our watch, God has given us a pacemaker in our heart which makes our heart bear 70-80-100 times in a minute through a current. 

What are the diseases associated with the pacemaker rhythm of the heart?

Heart has some electrical system in which there are few wires coming out of the pacemaker which goes

in the muscles of the heart from which electric current is passed to the heart and

the heart beats.

when there is a problem in these electrical wires then heartbeat becomes irregular it can decrease or it

can increase all these diseases are called as disease of heart beat or diseases associated

with pacemaker.

Why is a pacemaker needed ?

If your heart is pumping too quickly or slowly, you need a pacemaker. In any case, your body does not

get enough blood. The pacemaker controls your body's electrical system, which controls the rhythm of

your heart.

With each heartbeat, an electrical impulse travels from the top to the bottom of your heart, which

contracts your heart muscle.

What is pacemaker surgery ? 

When the patient has disease associated with heart beat, Cardiologist or doctors like us see that we study that in detail and treat patients in different ways.

Few diseases are controlled by medicines only sometimes we give medicine used to  control heart beat.

But sometimes it also happens that the pacemaker of the patient is getting finished so we have to put a new pacemaker. It is an Artificial Pacemaker.

What is an Artificial  pacemaker ?

Pacemakers are artificial batteries implanted in the chest and heart by Cardiologists like Dr. Siddhant Jain at Apollo hospital Indore, Madhya Pradesh. Hearts continuously due the current produced by its natural battery or pacemaker.

Sometimes this pacemaker or its connecting electric fibers inside heart malfunctions and the patient gets abnormal heart beating, these patients with serious heart rate abnormalities require artificial pacemaker implantation.

Artificial Pacemaker A mobile like device whose wires are fitted in the heart during pacemaker surgery and pacemaker machine is fitted below the skin of the chest.

How is pacemaker surgery performed ?

We perform pacemaker implantation in a cath lab (OT) under local anesthesia and different types of

pacemakers and devices are implanted in the skin below the chest of the patients with wires being placed inside the heart.

Pacemaker is a small matchbox size device with wires or leads connected to it. The leads are put inside

the heart to pass current to the heart from the pacemaker. The patient has to stay in the hospital for

3 to 4 days.

Types of Pacemakers 

Pacemakers are of different types which can be single, double or triple chamber pacemakers or ICD or

CRT or Combo devices.

What is an ICD or CRT pacemaker? What are their Benefits ?

ICD Pacemaker :-

is basically known as an intra cardiac defibrillator which is an electrical shock giving machine this

pacemaker keeps a watch on patients heart beat. It studies the heart beat of a patient for 24 hours.

if patients' heartbeat increases or decreases it immediately treats it. if they are decreased it passes

electric current to increase heart beat and if they are increased and there is a risk of stoppage of heart

then it repairs the heartbeat by giving electric shock.

CRT Pacemaker :- is known as Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy, there is a three wire pacemaker which is placed in patients having very less pumping of heart.

Heart has become bigger and heart is in failure stage in such patients we can synchronize a patient's heartbeat by this device. This pacemaker is very effective treatment in heart failure patients.

What is the expense of Inserting a Pacemaker ?

Expenses depend on the types of pacemaker inserted in the patient, normally pacemaker surgery is done in the operation Theater where the cardiologist does the surgery, patients need to stay for 3-4 days there are many medicines given so all the expenses depend on the type of pacemaker.

In our Indore City, in our Hospital, we use a single lead pacemaker, then it may cost 1 lakh to the patient, but if we use double pacemaker then the expenses might increase, if we have 3 Or use 4 lead pacemakers, then expenses might still increase.

Risk of Pacemaker surgery

There are few risk pacemaker surgeries where wires are placed in the heart of the patient, during or

after which there might be irregular heart rhythm or the patient might have effusion in the lung, 

Patients might have bleeding or infection which is the main complication of this surgery. Doctors take utmost care about it but these are the few risks in the surgery.

Senior interventional and Consultant Cardiologist. 

Dr Siddhant Jain has a huge experience of doing pacemaker surgery and is regularly implanting these pacemakers .He is one of the best and most experienced pacemaker specialists in Indore, Madhya Pradesh.

For more information about Cardiologist in Indore, visit our website

:- www.cardiologistindore.com


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