Tips on Cholesterol Management By Cardiologist Indore


Cholesterol is a type of fat that is found in our blood and plays a crucial role in building cells, producing hormones, and aiding in digestion, explains Cardiologist Indore Dr Siddhant Jain. “However, too much cholesterol can lead to serious health problems, particularly heart disease. Offering valuable insights into this pervasive global issue,” shares he, and elaborates on the significance of understanding diverse cholesterol levels and provides practical guidance for its effective management.


Cardiologist Indore Dr Jain says that cholesterol travels through our bloodstream in three main types: LDL (low-density lipoprotein), HDL (high-density lipoprotein) and Triglycerides. He shares, that LDL cholesterol is often referred to as ‘bad’ cholesterol because high levels can lead to plaque (blockage) buildup in the arteries, increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke (paralysis).
On the other hand, HDL cholesterol is known as ‘good’ cholesterol because it helps remove LDL cholesterol from the bloodstream, reducing the risk of heart disease. Triglycerides are another type of cholesterol that is harmful at high levels and is more related to diet and activity.

Talking about the importance of awareness, Cardiologist Indore Dr Jain opines that many people are unaware of their cholesterol levels or the impact they can have on their health. Without regular screenings, high cholesterol can go unnoticed until it causes serious complications. That’s why it’s essential to prioritize cholesterol awareness and get it checked, especially if you have risk factors such as a family history of heart disease, high blood pressure, or diabetes. Ideally, a full lipid profile is done in a fasting state.


In assessing cardiovascular risk, healthcare providers now look beyond cholesterol levels to include multiple risk factors, biomarkers, and screening checkups, says he, adding, This comprehensive approach enables more precise estimation of an individual’s risk profile and enables the creation of personalised treatment plans.


He points out that the management of cholesterol and heart disease risk encompasses multifaceted strategies. Lifestyle changes are fundamental, involving adopting heart-healthy diets rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, and lean proteins.

Regular exercise, smoking cessation, limited alcohol intake, and maintaining a healthy weight are
imperative. Medications, particularly statins, are pivotal for those with significantly elevated cholesterol or high cardiovascular risk. Emerging treatments like PCSK9 inhibitors and bile acid sequestrants offer alternatives for those intolerant to or inadequately responding to statins.”

Cutting-edge innovations include si- RNA drugs like Inclisiran, targeting specific genes involved in cholesterol metabolism with minimal side effects. Administered via skin injection every 6 months, Inclisiran offers potent treatment. Gene-editing techniques explore long-term solutions for managing cholesterol levels. Digital health tools, including mobile apps, wearable devices, and telemedicine platforms, aid in tracking serial blood levels, and lifestyle habits, and providing personalized feedback and support.

To Consult Cardiologist Indore Dr Siddhant Jain Click Here

Cardiologist Indore Dr Jain says that these comprehensive approaches, integrating lifestyle modifications, medications, and innovative therapies, promise better outcomes and reduced side effects in cholesterol management, fostering optimism for improved cardiovascular health. The management of Cholesterol has undergone significant advancements, with a shift towards personalized, holistic approaches that incorporate lifestyle modifications, targeted medications, innovative therapies, and digital health tools. By staying informed about cholesterol and adopting healthy habits, you can take control of your heart health and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, Cardiologist Indore concludes.


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