
Showing posts from November, 2020

Facts Female Heart Disease | Heart Disease Statistics | Cardiologist Indore - Dr. Siddhant Jain

  Facts Female Heart Disease  -   Best Cardiologist Indore It can not be more emphasized that in today’s stressful world, it has become crucial that each one of us takes some constructive steps to save the heart of our loved ones before it is too late, especially since prevention is easy and can substantially reduce cardiac risk. I will utilize this opportunity to address certain myths associated with heart diseases.  “It is a myth that cardiovascular disease mostly affects males. In fact, heart disease is the reason for 1 in 3 female deaths each year.  It’s my urge to all Indian females that in their daily rush when they are being ideal wives and mothers, please take at least a moment for yourself and listen to your own heart. After all, the health of the entire family depends on you.  It is important that you should be healthy enough so that you can extend your care to your family members.”  “In fact not only adults, in today’s world, our children ar...

Some information about prevention from Heart Disease | Cardiologist Indore - Dr. Siddhant Jain

हृदय रोग से बचाव के बारे में कुछ सामान्य जानकारी।   Dr. Siddhant Jain   प्रश्न – हृदय के लिए कौन-सा भोजन सर्वश्रेष्ठ है और कौन-सा सबसे अधिक हानिकारक  उत्तर – फल और सब्जियां हृदय के लिए अति लाभदायक है वहीं तेलों का अधिक उपयोग या अधिक तैलीय वस्तुएं (तले गले पदार्थ) हृदय के लिए सर्वाधिक हानिकारक है। प्रश्न – कौन-सा तेल हृदय के लिए सर्वश्रेष्ठ है मूंगफली ,सनफ्लावर या ऑलिव ऑयल का ? उत्तर – सभी प्रकार के तेलों की अति हानिकारक है। प्रश्न – रूटीन चेकअप क्या है ? इसे कैसे किया जाए ? क्या हृदय के लिए कोई विशेष टेस्ट है ? उत्तर – रूटीन ब्लड शुगर टेस्ट शकर के स्तर को बताता है। बीपी चेक कराये, इको करें और जरूरी है तो ट्रेड मिल टेस्ट कराये।     प्रश्न – हार्ट अटैक के समय प्राथमिक चिकित्सा (फर्स्ट एड स्टेप्स) या प्राथमिक उपचार किस प्रकार का होना चाहिए ? उत्तर – सर्वप्रथम व्यक्ति को लिटाया फिर उसकी जीभ के नीचे एक एस्प्रीन टेबलेट रखें, जो सारबीट्रेट टेबलेट के साथ रखी जाना चाहिए। यदि वह उपलब्ध हो तो। और फिर मरीज को शीघ्रातिशीघ्र हार्ट अस्पताल ले जाना चाहिए जिससे अटैक के प्रथ...

Echocardiography (ECHO) | Cardiac Sonography | Purpose | Types - Cardiologist Indore - Dr. Siddhant Jain.

  Echocardiography Procedure - Cardiologist Indore Echocardiography is also known as Echocardiogram, Cardiac echo, Cardiac sonography.  This is a test that uses standard 3D, 4D and Doppler ultrasound (GE LogIQ C9) machines to create images of the heart. By performing ECHO we can see the pumping of the heart chamber. Echocardiography is routinely used in diagnosis tests. It is one of the most widely used diagnostic tests in cardiology. It can provide useful information on the size and shape of the heart. An echocardiogram create ultrasound images of heart structures, and also produce accurate assessment of the blood flowing through the heart Doppler echocardiography, using pulsed- or continuous-wave Doppler ultrasound. This allows assessment of both normal and abnormal blood flow through the heart. Color Doppler is used to visualize any abnormal communications between the left and right sides of the heart. The Doppler technique can also be used for tissue motion and velocit...

Introduction | Dr. Siddhant Jain - Cardiologist Indore

INTRODUCTION :-   Dr Siddhant Jain It’s my great pleasure to communicate  & introduce myself to You. I am Dr. Siddhant Jain Senior Intervention and consultant Cardiologist, attached to Apollo hospitals Indore. I am an expert in Heart Disease Treatment including, Angiography, Angioplasty, Echocardiography, and also Hypertension and Heart failure management. I have done my DM Cardiology course from reputed   PGI Chandigarh.   EDUCATION I was born in Indore. I have done my M.B.B.S. from MGM Indore & I was topper with highest marks in MBBS & 16 gold medals and also PMT topper of the state. I did my M.D. Medicine from MGM Indore, I have done my DM Cardiology course from reputed PGI Chandigarh. I am available daily evening at my Consultation chamber & Diagnostic center ( Rhythm Healthcare Clinic & Diagnostics ). which is located above HDFC bank at the prominent Satya Sai square , Vijay Nagar Indore. EXPERIENCE  I have experience...