The Connection Between Stress And Heart Health by Cardiologist Indore Dr. Siddhant Jain
Introduction: Stress has become a commonplace aspect of daily living in our fast-paced modern world. While occasional stress is a reasonable response to difficult circumstances, prolonged stress can negatively affect our health, especially the health of our hearts. Cardiologist Indore Dr. Siddhant Jain, highlights the vital link between stress and cardiovascular disease and stresses the significance of stress management for heart health. Understanding Stress and Its Impact on the Heart by Cardiologist Indore: Stress sets off the body’s “fight or flight” reaction, which results in the release of cortisol and adrenaline. These chemicals help the body respond to short-term dangers, but prolonged stress can have negative long-term effects on health. Prolonged stress is linked to a number of cardiovascular issues, including as hypertension, arrhythmias, and coronary artery disease, said prominent Cardiologist Indore Dr. Siddhant Jain. Hypertension: The Silent K...